Packing solutions

Events Schedule

September 2020

Australia Zoom

Conduct an On-line workshop for AIP / APCO on How to Implement Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs) into Your Business.

August 2020

Adelaide SA

Regional Development Australia – Murraylands and Riverland – Insights and Innovations Webinar for Regional SMEs and Farmers.

June 2020

Australia Zoom

Conduct an On Line workshop for the AIP / APCO on Introduction to Sustainable Packaging Design for 44 attendees from Overseas, regional and metropolitan Australia

June 2020

Adelaide, SA

Conducted Stage 3 workshop with FoodSA on behalf of the AIP for SME food producers.

June 2020

Melbourne University

Conducted a lecture on Retort Packaging to 56 Masters in Food Innovation and Packaging students.

June 2020

Bangkok, Thailand

Pro Pak Asia – Facilitate the Global Packaging Forum, workshops and seminar was cancelled. Replaced with Global webinar on the Impact of Covid 29 on Packaging.

June 2020

Adelaide, SA

Conducted a Stage 2 workshop with FoodSA on behalf of the AIP for SME food producers and providing them with individual assessment.

June 2020

Various Companies

Assisted them with completing their APCO Annual reports and their new APCO Action Plans for the next 3 year

May 2020

Sydney, NSW

Conduct AIP / APCO Training Course on Sustainable Packaging Guidelines // CONVERTING TO ON-LINE PRESENTATION.

May 2020

Manila, Philippines

International Guest Speaker for the Sustainability Solution Expo // CANCELLED

April 2020

Melbourne, Vic

All events cancelled due to Corona Virus.

Now training in how to use Zoom software on how to run seminars on-line for large classes.

March 2020

Canberra, ACT

Attended the National Plastics Summit at the invitation of the Minister of the Environment together with 200 industry experts.

March 2020

Melbourne, Vic

Plastics in the Circular Economy seminar organised by APCO to explore collaboration between industry, academia and government to solve plastic waste related issues.

February 2020

Manila, Philippines

Pro Pak Manila – year 2. Conducted 3 workshops and participated in Talk to The Experts program.

February 2020

Manila, Philippines

Visited San Miguel Yamamura Glass plant at Cavite.

February 2020

Sydney, NSW

Packaging review for a major cosmetic company.

February 2020

Adelaide, SA

Conducted a Stage 1 workshop with FoodSA on behalf of the AIP for SME food producers. This will be a 3 stage process over the next couple of months to develop their knowledge in Sustainable packaging.

January 2020

Melbourne, Vic

Chai Tea manufacturer required a review and options for more sustainable packaging that also met Food Waste targets.

January 2020

Melbourne, Vic

Develop a training program in Sustainable Packaging for Officeworks

December 2019

Sydney, NSW

Review of warehouse and exotic imported household goods packaging and handling procedures.

December 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Assisted in an interpretation of Bunnings new Supplier requirements

December 2019

Sydney, NSW

Assisted in an interpretation of Bunnings new Supplier requirements

December 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Packaging and Processing for HPP products

December 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Tetra Pk training requirements

November 2019

Mareeba, Qld

Lead an AIP Workshop on the 2025 National Packaging Targets and the shift towards sustainable packaging – postponed

November 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Lead a workshop on Sustainable Packaging and Design for Zenexus. This has led to an internal training course on packaging.

November 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Invigilating AIP Diploma exams.

November 2019

Geelong, Vic

APCO & Deakin University, Institute for Frontier Materials.

October 2019

Melbourne, Vic

SPE Seminar on Future Significant changes to the Plastics Industry

Presented on the 2025 Targets and AIP Education options.

October 2019

Melbourne, Vic

Conducted an AIP workshop for Tetra Pak Australia P/L on Sustainable Packaging and Recycling in Australia

October 2019


JAS-ANZ Third party audit – Technical Specialist

October 2019

Perth, WA

Led AIP workshop on APCO PREP Tool and ARL Labelling for 20+ attendees

October 2019

Perth, WA

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, for 85+ attendees

Seminar 1 – Food Safety & Shelf Life Extension

Seminar 2 – Introduction to Sustainable Packaging and meeting the 2025 targets